Tuesday 3 February 2009

The worst snow for eighteen years, they say.

What would Colin have said? Undoubtedly, he would have made some pertinent comments about the media, and our penchant for a national crisis. But Colin is dead. And so, alas, there is nothing I can do but shake the snow from my wellies and enquire after Gareth, his health, and where he procured his rather fetching, undoubtedly new, bobble hat.

It was a bracing start to the day and yet it paled, quickly. Client L, for all her rosy cheeks, left the room having deposited, in earnest, a certain amount of the sexual shame she inherited from her demented, Plymouth Brethren parents. Oh, what matter? And yet it left a stain that attached itself to me, to my face, in fact, to my nose. Very slightly, it quivered. For a moment I had no control over my nose and, aware of the symbology, made a direct connection to Canova's Pauline. Clearly, this was all about my dick and my doomed, teenage groping of Pauline's left breast. I really must get back to Rome and finish the job properly.

The rest of the day I was restless. I tore a copy of Courbet from the shelves and stared at The Origin of The World for twenty minutes. Later, at home, I poured my flabby but bronzed body into my old wetsuit, slithered into the car and headed for the coast where I then staggered into the freezing winter sea. I roared into the waves as they annihilated, and yet affirmed, my burning body. Thank fuck for life, as they say.


the therapist said...

That's very moving, old son, keep it up.


Anonymous said...

Oh that's sad, isnt it?

Surely somebody loves you?

Well, here's a wave from me!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh that's sad, isnt it?

Surely somebody loves you?

Well, here's a wave from me!!!!!!!


Catnapping said...

gimme back my snow!