Saturday 17 November 2007

It's a line in the sand.

I am named!

I can't go on, clearly I can't. And so this, my dear readers, is my gentleman's excuse me.

You'll be relieved to hear my reasons are not ethical, let alone philosophic. I'd love to plead some higher consideration, oh you know I would, but it's quite pragmatic. In being named, I am not free. In being named, I cannot write as freely or honestly as the blog necessitates. This project has assumed a complete and ongoing anonymity, and that's now gone. It's past. And how quickly the past assumes its innocence, its simplicity. Clearly, I am no longer free to transgress, digress, or cast my wayward gaze wherever I choose. No, I have to assume the mantle of my position and, thereby, protect my career and my reputation. I will do this and I will top up my pension. I will do this, all this. I will take full responsibility for the angle of my smile. I will, in fact, say and reveal nothing. And yet, I stand by this blog. I stand by every word. And so, of course, a note to you, the reader. I may have appeared, on occasion, to be writing this like an autistic, a solipsist, but, of course, as with everything in life, it was entirely supported and sponsored by you, and your gaze. For that, I thank you. I will miss your gaze. P.S Just for the record, there is no publishing deal. I didn't ask for half a million, but I did ask for a hundred thousand. It was flatly refused and I was happy with that.


Anonymous said...

May I say,


and if you decide to return in another form please advise of your landing spot...

And now may I throw rocks at the dastardly namer?

Steve said...

Shit. Therapist, don't go-o-o.

Well, at least leave this writing up for your patients to occasionally visit and ponder.

So that we may "stops to guess
What powerful but unrecorded race
Once dwelt in that annihilated place."

Robyn Rinehart Art said...


I pondered on how you might find out your persecutor. You could install a stat counter, see: , on the bottom of your page. You can monitor the traffic and find out who accesses your pages. Cast your mind around for a friendly computer whizz and get assistance?????


Write about the world in general, not your day to day events.


Anonymous said...

and now might I join the whining and wailing tribe...

Don't go-o-o!

I am sad too.

the therapist said...

Oh please, throw rocks. Or maybe sand, instead. I'll kick sand in his face. I assume my namer was a man...Anyway, thank you for these posts, they are all very heartening and I dare say I will, at some point, find another landing spot. That's an interesting idea, Bliss, though I suspect my gaze would always, suddenly and inevitably, turn inward. Very quickly I'd land up in the same mess. Thank you, Prozac, for your attention, your struggle, your generosity. I shall see you see you all anon.


Steve said...

I keep on coming back here every few hours to see if the site is going to stay or disappear in a whiff of httpness.

Debra Kay said...

This is just like an old cyberpunk novella called "True Name" but with a much unhappier ending. Well, I can't remember the ending of the novella, but I am pretty sure it was happier than this.

Unknown said...

It's a double-double bluff

Steve said...

If it's clearly working on me as I still visit this site on a daily basis...

Anonymous said...

Something about the possibility of double double bluff is habit formimg... and all that http whiffing, who knows what outcome that might bring.

Anonymous said...

to be named.

my blog is not about my secret life, like yours, but I live in a very VERY small town.

I discovered this morning, via cursed/blessed statcounter, that a very VERY local someone spent an hour and a half ! cruising through my blog....if it was anyone else I'd feel admired, instead I feel a bit stalked.

Odd isn't it?

I closed my blog for today until I can rethink this and feel less exposed.

Odd too that I am posting this comment here, isn't it.

Robyn Rinehart Art said...

Not you too! I find these great blogs and then they get spoiled. Invite me in please???

I miss you too, Therapist.

I guess if you are planning to expose your soft underbelly, you need to be totally unspecific as to where you live.

the therapist said...

Ah yes, it can make you vulnerable. Clearly it has. Equally, you can use that, too. You can forget who may know what, turn and face those issues you have revealed, sort them out for your own sake, and move on. And leave the voyuer standing...

Good luck, Switchsky.