Wednesday 5 September 2007

What a fascinating body.

As I watched Helen and Gareth from my window, noting with pleasure her unusual reserve with him, I saw Gareth's ridiculous body as if for the first time. Their silent motioning and gestures suggested another over weening, over articulated point that Helen, for all her general agreement, could not wholly consent to. But it was Gareth's body that captivated me. His little belly hanging over stumpy legs is only barely capable of holding his huge, bald head. And yet it is a measure of his presence and, perhaps, his therapeutic journey, that one is rarely aware of his ridiculous shape. I hauled up my window to clear the smoke and, like startled birds, they both scuttled inside.

My very famous client.

While known to millions, he feels a mystery to himself and so he spoke of his image and how betrayed he felt by this perception but as he wittered on I began to sense the public have it about right. Why did I take him on? This man'll need years of work. Wasn't I rude enough to him last week? I'll have to hike my prices or wednesdays'll be ruinous.

The Goya came. So, sat at my table with Nude Maja, content and alone in her perfect body, I sat alone and content in mine, entranced.

1 comment:

Steve said...

It's nice to know that I share a therapist with Alan Titchmarsh.

So he a boring old cunt is he? You would think the gardening would anchor him somehow...