Tuesday 4 September 2007

The Tuesday Group.

After the confessions and revelations of last week the group was a wounded thing and so, a little healing required, I dryly informed them that I was interviewing for a new group member. The cruelty of introducing an outsider, a monster, soon had them talking and within minutes B. felt able to explore her reference to sexual abuse and, in turn, the group felt able to listen. As they all bonded over her violations, I drifted off and considered again the occasional feeling that if I had been born in another time, another place, I'd very likely have landed up a rapist.

I went home, took my dinner in the garden, lit a quarter pipe and with barely a day off in the last ten, was soon asleep.


Anonymous said...

another time, another place and only one space bar tap between "the therapist" and "the rapist.."

Steve said...

Ooooh. That's clever, Switch.

Of course I took it all word-for-word as plain-und-simple verite', but maybe you're flushing out the fiction in our therapist's purported non....

Is he leaving clues for us you think? I couldn't find the article he referred to in Neuropsychologia, but then I only read the last five years of the journal....

Steve said...

Blog idea for the day.


I think on wordpress your readers can choose to read your posts from 'the beginning' chronologically or backwards (as is done on blogger). You might consider 'moving' before you're invaded by thousands on readers.

I shall probably be using wordpress when I put my novel 'The Mind-Body Problem' onto the internet for you to peruse and explain why oh why oh fucking why a work of such extreme and diligent brilliance never found its way onto Random House's random list of fiction titles.

the therapist said...

Said with such grace, Switchsky.

My readers...?
Why would I want more than you two?

I want for nothing.

Steve said...

What IS a quarter pipe? What is the O.? What's the story of O, therapist?