Wednesday, 6 August 2008

How much boat can a man take?

All day I was feeling mischievous. Finally, with my brandy warming, I put a little supercilious Shostakovich on, the Jazz Suite and so, limbering up for some entertainment, I rang up the Swiss and gave him eight weeks notice to vacate. He took it gracefully, as if to suggest he had been thinking the very same thing, and at the same time, only I had got to the phone first. Queer. How much ruin and misery our sexuality! How many affairs did the poor wife have to have? And the children, what, teenagers? Oh there'll be self harm, perhaps a brilliant neurotic, anything to seek definition. A Nazi child, perhaps? Oh god, what has he done? I rang Karen. I miss you.

I walked around the boat. Around and around the boat.

I returned to the lounge, switched off my phone. I carried on walking. I carried on and on until I was certain that I knew what I was doing.