Tuesday, 1 April 2008

April Fool.

I was feeling mellow and mildly humourous following a majesterial shit to an early, choral Stockhausen and yet even this equilibrium of the soul failed me as I lazily checked my electronic messages. One such was from a man called Buckminster. He was writing to seek my assistance in resolving the issues he had with his insane father. Oh, to be so certain. I deleted him and went to butter my toast. Only later did Thom call. Of course, I have my supervision with Buckley this morning and, as a good Freudian, he would insist on taking this joke very seriously. Dear Buckley, of course children think their parents insane. More pertinently, dearest Buckley, why are you so scared of them? He is, indeed, a symptom of a rather effete, somewhat feeble generation of men. Why in god's name do I keep him on? I'll give him notice today. Yes, it'll be fun. Freudian's are so crap at endings, it'll be marvellous fun.


Afreud of Myself said...

Why are Freudians bad at endings?

the therapist said...

Oh indeed why, dear Prozac. I suppose it's that they will insist upon fear and desire, their attachments so literal and genital, whereas only myth and soul work, only they heave the boat onwards.


Steve said...

You know a blog is choking on its own silence when the cunts start spamming it.

It's like weeds growing between the untended cracks/dates.

Come on therapist. Less opium, more opprobrium!

Unknown said...

i'm still reading it

switch said...

been waiting for a profound segue.

expecting nothing less.