Wednesday 7 November 2007

Sick as a dog.

Something has taken root in the lung. Yet I staggered to work, delaying the full hysteria of my symptoms, the stridency of denial such that it cast a reminder of my early twenties, all intense and feverish. I staggered on, swaying from one age to another like a toy in a storm, greeting Helen in the kitchen, finally, as if I were a functioning, consistent thing. It was only in seeing her that I understood I should be in bed. I said nothing. Anger, was it?. Oh god, had her paltry admission of sexual feeling for other people, had that hurt me? Was I ever so precious? What now, as I take the stairs to my room, is it me or my illness belittling me? I was spiralling away. The dream of the huge arse, merry on my face. I found a dictionary of psychiatric terms and discovered, with some elation, the clinical definition of nightmare. It is a dream of being sat upon, to the point of suffocation, by a female monster. Oh Helen, what have you done? I staggered home, cancelling everyone.


Anonymous said...

you made that up.

the therapist said...

Mmmm..I didn't make it up, tho I confess the dictionary was one published in 1968.

Yet I wonder, Switchsky, if you doubt me about that,you are unlikely to believe today's news.

Anonymous said...

ok like this:

She rolled her eyes with cynical laughter,'You made that up," Switchsky said, her fondness for old dictionary definitions stuck between her teeth.

Steve said...

It's all made up. But hey, us cons like to be conned, innit?

the therapist said...

Oh what, surely your depression is no con, Prozac? I am not sure I believe that, though does it feel like it, sometimes?

Steve said...

Of course it's a con. Conned by my brain into seeing the world as grey when it's really quite colourful, innit.

Anonymous said...

"lovely colours."

the therapist said...
