Sunday 2 September 2007

To London.

The needle insert, releasing me from empathy and projection, served me well and I arrived at the station with nothing less than the love of god inside me. And so I took my gang into their shadow selves and watched as they howled and hissed like animals in the half light. Of course, there are always a few who enact what they'd like their shadow to be, rather than what it actually is, and these are always those who have been in therapy the longest. I also suspect that these delusionals have the most erratic sex lives and for this reason I kept a particluar eye on the lithe and tight figure of S. At the break, tunnelling into their liminal silences, I saw S. in the garden, smoking furiously, and imagining myself her cigarette, felt the suction of her mouth upon my dick. When the shadow is so hidden, how tempting abasement.


Steve said...

Do you have StatCounter on this blog. If not, you should get it.

Only so as to be able to monitor the fact that I check for updates about four times a day.

I think that would please you.

Which is why I'm revealing this piece of information.

I'd also be interested to know if anyone else reads this blog, my dear therapist, apart from me and Switch.

All readers reading this comment now just say 'aye' (come on, we can get these fucking comments into the double fingers)...or even figures.

the therapist said...

I reckon it's just you and me Prozac.

But I'm glad to hear Switch has the heart for it. I should get out more.

A statcounter. Or sheer solipsism?

Again, I'm touched.

Steve said...

If it's just you and me, why write?

In the back of your mind, you must be dreaming of some Belle-Du-Jourish publishing deal. If not, why do it. If it don't lead to money, fame, or sex, you might as well just keep a diary in a bottom drawer.

the therapist said...

My conscious reasons for writing this are not nearly as interesting as my unconscious reasons. And of course, those are of no interest to anyone but me.